Community News, Events & Information

Read the latest News, Articles, Events, and Information from the Friends of Hales Corners Park & Pool.

Veterans Day 2020

The Veterans Memorial Committee, American Legion Post #299 in Hales Corners, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Post # 10394 in Hales Corners and Franklin held their Veterans Day ceremony this morning at 11:00 am in Hales Corners Park. I was very honored to be one of the speakers for the ninth consecutive year since the…

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A Generous Opportunity

The Friends of Hales Corners Park & Pool need your assistance with the generous fundraising opportunity that we have below on behalf of the Village of Hales Corners and the surroundingcommunities. Double Your Donation! All donations are nice but you can now make it TWICE AS NICE! Thanks to the generosity of Jon Dannecker CFP®,…

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Annual Meeting

Happy Tuesday Milwaukee County, Please see below and feel free to join the Friends of Hales Corners Park & Pool for our annual meeting on Saturday, August 15, 2020 at 10:00 am. Thank you for your time, Donald G. SchwartzPresident, Friends of Hales Corners Park & Pooldonaldgschwartz@gmail.comC- 414-418-8299 Donald Schwartz is inviting you to a…

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Hales Corners Blood Drive

By now you might have heard that there is a blood shortage emergency in Wisconsin. To this end just as our community stepped up a couple of weeks ago with the Whitnall School District blood drive at the Middle School, Clifford’s Supper Club in the Village of Hales Corners is sponsoring a blood drive on…

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Hales Corners Fire Department Helps with Challenging Ice Rink Maintenance

Kudos to the Hales Corners Fire Department for assisting the Friends of Hales Corners Park & Pool three separate times over the last month at the temporary Alyson Dudek International Ice Center in Hales Corners Park. The unseasonably warm temperatures in recent weeks has been a real challenge, but the weather looks like it will…

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