Safe Strides UPDATE

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Want to Help?
When we all pitch in, the Park and Pool win! Find out how you can help: volunteer, host an event, save aluminum cans, donate, and more.
UPDATE: as of 1/23 we are out of vests and dog collars at both health departments! There will be a limited amount at the Hales Corners Health Department Fitness Frenzy Event tomorrow (1/24), but we will be ordering some more that should arrive next week!
Spend time outdoors SAFELY this winter ❄️
Pick up your FREE reflective vest and/or light up dog collage at Greendale Public Health Department or Hales Corners Health Department during open hours.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that occurs when the days become shorter and darker, increasing symptoms of sadness, loneliness, and loss of interest. Spending time outdoors can combat symptoms of SAD!